mummy spent bout $300 on derhh BBQ things norhs . oh man ~ yeu can imagine how much stuff we buy ? X= hahas . den after bout 2 hours , i msg my XIAOSA nu`er norhs . cos ydae she tell me dat she wanna come my hz to dye hair . XD
den bout 6 plus she reachh woodlands norhs . i go down bus stop to fetch her norhs . den we went to NTUC to BUY out hair dye norhs . we go dere hoping dat there gort sell purple dye or red dye , budden dun hav norhs . )x budden we managed to choose 1 colour dat we liked nehh ~ while we were buying , an OLD MAN wearing red shirt saw us norhs . X=
den when we BUY finish our hair dye , we went to guardian norhs . dere veryy open sia ~ budden only gort 1 cashier norhs . X= den my XIAOSA nu`er very cute norhs . she actualy wanna ask me wad colour shirt dat OLD MAN wearing den she say till how much is derhh OLD MAN . lols . XD
den we went home norhs . we dye our hair 2 times ~ first we dye derhh 1 we BUY at NTUC derh . den when we wash our hair , we find dat derhh colour is not realy obvious norhs . so we decided to dye again . cos dat time we went to derhh superband final gort goodie bag , inside gort 1 hair dye from hoyu marhs . so we used dat . den now our hair kinda brown norhs . XIAOSA nu`er wann more worst norhs . very very obvious nehh . X=
then she went home bout 10 plus . mayb tomorrow going to BUY black hair spray . cos still gort bridging marhs . BO BIAN norhs ~ den oso after bridging we wanna dye again barhs . XD hahs . too bad can`t find red or purple dye . if not wanna dye dat colour . actually i wanna dye blue-black derh . budden must go saloon dye wan cos mus bleach first den can dye marhs . den i no $$ . X= so no chioce budd to dye brown norhs. XD
tomorrow`s is my sister`s birthday . we having BBQ norhs . YEAHH ~ den monday no need go schh . cos i ask my mummy lerhs . she say can norhs ! XD so dat means can slpp later lerhs . somemore bridging so sian norhs . esp ENG & HUM day ~ X= ENG mus see derhh walter khoo den HUM mus see derhh poogan norhs . sian norhs . X= weehs ~
today didn`t take much pic norhs . budden hav some pic narhs . dunno whyie can`t post norhs ! RARR * nebr mind , next time den post norhs . SORRY neh ! XD

I speak L♥VE @ 12:18 AM