> 8 more days to MYE &
> 32 days to MTL O level paper .
seriously , im really really very tired ~
problems is lyk non-stop coming ,
&& exams are round the bloody corner ...
really really gonna study hard for the rest of this few months .
hav been feeling moody this few days .
easily get irritated & pissed off nowadays .
ps : im sorry if i've been shouted at you ppls X=
truly sorry !
today mood wasnt that good actually .
firstly , during POA lesson ,
that 3 joker pissed me off completely !
secondly , didnt managed to complete my POA paper ,
BUT that fucking paper has to be handed in today ,
thus mr ng ask us to complete during TC lesson .
den ms teo come && fucking KBKP X=
waolao , she still ask me to tell mr ng say we
should not be doing POA in TC lesson !
please larhs , we are jus students larhs .
this tcher ask to do this that wan ask us do that .
we are lyk in the middle can ?
so damn fcuked up by all this nonsense .
thirdly , i wanna hand in the POA paper to baron,
den the brandon , kenneth & anan was fucking irritating !
they lyk trying so hard NOT to let me hand in my paper !
fucking childish larhs X=
sighs , im really damn feddup larhs ..
i dunno why ...
anyway ,
its time to study hard lerhs (:
wish those taking O , good luck for their O xD
ciaos ;;
♥ ARENA の 사랑합니다
im really really very tired ~
sighs , its time to let go ...
perhaps , time will prove ...
i'wll be strong ... (:
* a new chapter ;; a new beginning

I speak L♥VE @ 6:42 PM