that MTL O ...
gee , today reach sch , saw ms teo outside GO ...
she asked me to help her take our maths paper to staff room ..
OTW , she told me that our whole class fail maths =.=
Oh My tians ~ WHOLE CLASS , FAIL ~ X=
anyway , today was my O LEVEL MTL paper .
haha , well ... didnt feel much stress =.=
budden , kinda nerves ~
den all those simple words , all forgotten how to ryte =____=
sighs ~ anyway , paper wasnt that difficult as i thought .
hahaa , budden kinds stunt when i saw the qns ..
anyway , was a passable paper ^^V
think its much easier that MYEs lorhs ...
so should be can get at lease A larhs horhs ? =/
perhaps ~ ?
den after the paper , went to KFC ..
wid Gian, yeeleng , sulan , sa && me ^^ ~
went home after that ...
hmmms , tml we are getting back our MYE paper ..
haha , i think i sure flunk my MYEs ~ X(
but im damn looking forward to see
my english & chemistry paper ONLY ~ X=
ahhhh , today didnt online ..
cos when i reach home , my brother is using the com ..
so , i dun wan use ..
decided to take a short nap ~
budden in the end , sleep for about 2 plus hours ~ X=
haha , && i woke up is bcos of BENJAMIN ~
he came to our house && wake me up ~ =.=
LOLS * no larhs , he came our house ,
den i heard his voice den i wake up derh larhs xDD
den we play poke card && my sis teach us
one new type of playing ...
its call SPEED ~
its damn fun ! haha ..
den my mother asked my brother go down buy the lightbulb ,
as my house the lightbulb spoilt ,
so he went down , mother got tell him to buy the bigger wan ...
den he went down , buy the smallest one ~ =.=
den he still stubborn , take the lightbulb && climb up to compare the size =.=
cos its lyk so obvious that the size are different .. LOLS
den play pokecard till 7 plus ..
damnn tired now , gonna slp soon ~ xDD
awwwws , gian gian have blog lerhs ! =DDD
Ciaos ;
♥ Arena の && SHE LOVES HIM
that girl hope that guy to be happy (: