Seriously, those 10 names were randomly choose.
Its up to you whether you wanna do it or not ~ haha (:
Who's the person that tagged you? ~
A: BeeTing
Relationship between you and her?
A: My classmate cum kbox fans
Three impressions of her?
A: crazy, funny and cute ! (:
If she becomes your enemy, you will?
A: Laugh like hell.
What will you say to the person you like very much?
A: anything.
Characteristic i like about myself?
A: funny ?
Characteristic i hate about myself?
A: Sensitive.
For the person whom you hate, you say?
A: Hate me more ! The more you hate me, the more happy I am ~
What do people feel about you?
A: I dunno, ask other ppl instead.
Your crush?
A: hehehe, Show luo ~~ He's more than just a crush man !
Pass this to 10 people.
1. Miao
2. Gian
3. Esther
4. Doris
5. Chai ling
6. Mervin
7. gerald
8. Hansa
9. felicia
10. sebastien
If 5 & 7 were together?
A: LOL! Impossible ~
What colour does 9 like?
A: If I'm not wrong, Yellow
Say something about 8:
A: friendly.
Who is 2?
A: Gian gian ! My sweet sugar affair :D (L)
Talk about 3:
A: esther, she is a very understanding friend. A good friend to have ~ !
Who's the sexiest among all 10?
A: hohoho. All is just as sexy ~
What colour does 4 like?
A: Yellow !
Is 4 single?
A: hahhaha ~ Nope.
Your relationship with 1?
A: Meimiao huh? One of My sugar affair also ! hiak hiak ~ :D (L)
Are 5 & 6 best friends?
A: I dunno, probably ?
9's surname?
A: seetoh ?
7's nickname?
A: Jialat, ti-koh-peh, lao-ti-koh ~ hahah X:
Say something to 8.
A: Meet up soon !
Say something to help 9.
A: eh, you need my help ?
Who does 1 admire?
A: hohoho, that want lor ~ She know, I know.
Where does 1 live?
A: Inside 1 of the room in my heart ~ :D
10 of them know who you like?
A: eh ?
say something to 6 when you see him/her.
A:hahah, we can fly aeroplane ~
10's spouse?
A: I dunno eh ?
Labels: tagged

I speak L♥VE @ 4:06 AM