den after swinging , we went to play derh spider web . wahahas . i damn scare of the spider web norhs . X= cos XIAOLAN keep shaking derhh rod . den very derh shaky . den i
nearly fall down . ZzZz X= hahas . orytes , while we were playing , i did realise dat dere is a GOLDEN hair guy , wearing black top , quite fat , was walking front & back a lot of times .
den at first , i thou he was waiting fer somebody . so didn`t care much .
budden after dat , when bout 5 + we wann go home , XIAOLENG reliase dat
he was following us norhs ! damnit , we were kinda shock narhs . X= den we lyk petending we wan take bus so we sit down at derh bus stop to wait fer bus . arbo ,
how we noe he is following us or not . den he oso sit down . oh man ~ this time we suspect he realy is following us norhs . den we continued to walk to derh MRT station norhs . when we walk , we gort lyk keep turning bahind to see whether he following a not ,
den we see dun hav . so we thou we mistake him lerhs . budden after awhile ,
we saw dat familiar GOLDEN hair guy . this time we realy very scare lerhs . so we decided to go XIAOLENG`s house to seek help . X= hahs . den we speed up to XIAOLENG`s house ,
budden while walking , i gort turn behind to see narhs . den i see dat guy oso speed up wanting to catch us up . den this time , we run to derh lift . derh lift damn slow norhs .
den we were lyk praying fer derh lift to come down faster . XD
when we reach XIAOLENG`s house . we lyk relief a bit . cos we no we are safe lerhs !
den we stay at her house till bout 6 plus den go home . her mummy accompany
us go MRT station . den go home .
RARR ~ scary day isn`t is ? X= how kinda tired norhs . budden during derh time we play
derh playground , we hav lotsa fun norhs . den derh spider web ,
make me scream lyk mad cos i abit scare of height . X= budden in derh end i managed
to finish climbling ! YEAHH ! i`m great ~ XD ahahahs ~ ! den tomorrow is XIAONI MUMMY go back taiwan derh day norhs ! x( RARR ~ i`m gonna mishh her derh . bout 20 plus days cannot see her norhs ! budden i decided not to go schh tomorrow cos i wann go airport send her off ! arbo , hav to wait bout 20 plus day den can see her ! x( den mayb after dat , going to watch FINAL CORR !
some pics dat XIAOLENG help us take today ~ enjoys barh , XD

so i decided to go send her tomorow . so PON schh tomorrow ! XD

I speak L♥VE @ 8:27 PM