decided to update my blog in derh middle of the night .
ZzZz damn sians can ?
erms , i think i`m gonna fall sick soon .
i now damn headaches & soar throat norhs .
oh man ~ if i sick den how to go work .
dun wan sick larhs . sians derh norhs.
cummore tomorrow i on off worhs .
wan go out derh neh ~ so cannot affort to sick !
aiyah , think i`m jus crazy lorhs .
update in derh middle of the night den dun wan go slpp .
when i actually noe , i`m gonna fall sick sooner or later .
haish ~ tired . damn sians norhs .
hmm , wait till i have enought money fer my N73 ,
i will quit lerhs . cos i realy damn tired norhs .
is lyk everyday , go work work work .
i wan go shopping oso no time can ?
1 more thing . damn norhs .
my hair colour fading lerhs ! i seem to be can`t see my red hairs lerhs .
ZzZ sians norhs . holidays is lyk jus began & my hair colour so
damn fast fade lerhs . thinking of dying again neh .
budden scare my hair will spoilt or damanged .
den oso no $ lerhs . x( so sad ~
aiyah , still thinking larhs . budden confirm will go cut hair derhs .
hmm , i think i`m already in my lala land lerhs .
orytes , shall end here .
will update tonight again . XD
or mayb tomorrow morning barhs .
oh yah ~
XIAONIEmarhmie is coming back lerhs .
in few more hours time ,
she will reach singapore lerhs !
i`m so damn bloody HAPPY derhs .
YEAH ~ ! XD marhmie is back !
i damn bloody miish her norhs !

I speak L♥VE @ 2:32 AM