this look lyk candy floss ryte ? budden its not ~

I speak L♥VE @ 8:48 PM

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Thursday, November 16, 2006
8:48 PM
MAN ~ i am DAMN tired derh norhs . better update my blogg if not later xiaosa nu`er nagg again lerhs . X= ydae werk today oso werk . ydae werk till 11 plus night den today wake up very 6 plus go werk . * YAWN * tiredd ~ budden quite fun narhs werking . den derh pay is lyk so attractive norhs . XD hahas . budden today actually shld OT werk till 11 derh . budden bcos we underage not yet 16 den derh boss check say cannot . sians norhs ! if not can earn bout 160 plus jus this 2 days ! den nnow only 90 plus . derh other FLY AWAY lerh . x( hahs . hmms , werking quite fun oso norhs . derh alson very derh irritating norhs . at first dunno him thou he is those quiet quiet derh . den hhu noes so tokative derh . X= hahas . den derh yee leng derh friend , ming he , very funny norhs . everytime laugh at me . siao . X= wahahas . he smaller den me norhs ! so i is his jie jie ~ XD hahas . den there gort 2 guy look lyk ah beng wan norhs . den i gort something to ask dem , budden dun dare . cos they look fierce . hahs . budden i managed to ask in derh end . they oso not dat beng larhs . at lease when i ask dem question they didn`t lyk shout or wad . somemore , still say THANK YOU or WELCOME all those stuff ! so derh conclusion is dat , nebr judge person by its look . hahas . hmms , den today we werk till 12 only norhs . by right is 11 derh . cos boss say we underage so cannot werk lerh . haish ~ sian . den after dat , as its still early , so we decided to go orchard walk walk . yee leng , yee ming , gerald , yew pang , shu ying & eng siong waited fer me at CWP derh arcade while i go home change . after dat , we went to orchard norhs , budden is for awhile only . at cine , we saw a group of japanese guy norhs ~ they are so damn cute derh can ! XD den we today saw 2 couples LC sia ~ hahas . 1 couple is LC at MRT station , derh other is LC at cine level 4 dere . hahs . walk walk walk fer awhile den jiu went home lerhs . cos damn tired norhs . den i think i wont be going schh tomorrow barhs . cos i very tired . somemmore tomorrow still werking at derh earring shop norhs . dats all fer today barhs .
![]() this look lyk candy floss ryte ? budden its not ~
![]() I speak L♥VE @ 8:48 PM
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