oh man ~ they were so scary can .
when they look at me ,
their eyes stare at me norhs .
den i look at dem back again .
after bout 2 minutes of staring ,
dat gay finally tokk ;
& guess wad "she" said ?
she asked me ,
did i extend my hair ?
LOLS , i den realise dat she wanna ask me question narhs .
hahas .
budden my hair look lyk fake wan arhs ! =.=
LOLS ` anyway , today damn tiring norhs .
anyway , since derh day i start work ,
i have been complaining i`m tire norhs .
hhahas . cos i realy am tired .
today mid-night sales ,
den even more tired narhs . XD
hahas , somemore , after work
cannot on call dao taxi norhs .
waited & waited , finaly reach silvercab derh taxi lerhs !
damn happy can !
den derh total taxi fare is $ 26 plus .
cos from bugis to woodlands marhs .
plus on call ; mid-night extra charge .
den when i reach home ,
i short of 10 cents ! X=
i only got $25.90 wid me . X=
rest in my bank .
luckily , derh uncle say nebr mind .
if not , damn paiseh norhs .
jus now my mother came home ,
ask my brother to stop chatting on derh phone .
den she ask us to go down put fire .
cos downstair derh dustbin caught on fire lerhs .
must be those ppl playing basket ball downstair derhs .
cos now 2 am plus lerhs they still down there ,
so they are the PRIME SUSPECT ! X=
den we went down to put fire ! XD
LOLS ` see !
this is wad i call GOOD CITIZEN ! XD
yeah ; me , my bro & marhmie
should received a GOOD CITIZEN AWARD can ?! LOLS X=
hahs ,
oh yah ; got my pay today lerhs ! XD
wahahas ` gonna buy new HP tomorrow !
my N73 wait ferr me ! XD

I speak L♥VE @ 1:52 AM