ydae christmas eve .
so today christmas . XD
hahs .
anyway ,
ydae after work went for countdown .
man ~ wad a peaceful countdown was it .
went to clarke quay larhs .
actualy wanna go town derhs .
choo young they all say clarke quay den have derh
atmosphere larhs .
den there so damn peaceful can .
damn larhs .
actually is underage ,
cannot go clubbing .
den stay outside , dat why so peaceful narhs . X=
buy some alochol to drink & chat there .
they didn`t check IC norhs .
hahs . so can buy .
well , ton whole night .
dun realy have much activities for ton .
den si bei sians .
bout 5 plus i buay tahan lerhs .
so slp fer awhile .
den awhile only den kena awake by derh bloody choo young & jarred lorhs .
damn !
den wake up went to buy mac breakfast eat .
bout 6.45 + lyk dat ,
we went home lerhs .
den bath & slp till evening 5 + den i wake up .
dats how i spent my christmas eve & christmas day . X=
oh yah ~
ydae choo young told us a joke .
he said : ton sure will have polar eyes .
hahs . den i wad thinking , wads polar eyes !?
den we tel him , its panda eyes larhs !
hahahs !
dats dat joke of derh day . X=
oh , we did took some pic ydae .
below ;
we looked so tired .

wads wrong wid her face ?
she looked as if i forced her to take derh pic .
in fact , its truth . XD
blurr sotong

I speak L♥VE @ 7:48 PM