one word ; jialat ~ X=
sighs ~ * O level how ?X'(
i dun wanna retain norhs .
i rather go ITE X=
budden if can go poly oso good larhs ..
hiaks ~ xDDD
anyway , after taking result ,
went to KFC eat norhs =.=
den its lyk everyone looking at us norhs .
* ARE WE WEIRDO ~ ? >: (
den still got 3 sickening girls keep looking at us .. =.=
damn irritating norhs ..
after that went to hub , there derh fountain sit down to tok
den the security ask us sit on the sort of chair thing ..
&& its so damn difficlut to tok while sitting in 1 row lorhs ..
so we went around to search of place to sit ..
AHHH ~ that " fake bugis street " ~ xDDD
so went there sit down && tok ..
&& guess wad we are toking bout ?
OCH ~ =.= haha .
yeaps , we have been toking bout that topic since 3 weeks again (:
haha , && seriously , we aren't tired of this topic ^^
its lyk a endless topic to us =DDD
anyway , today den we realise that actually building 33 , 35 & 37 are not OCH .
they are commandor derh building ..
cos commandor got 5 building total marhs .
den the oppsite side derh den is OCH building ..
so ppl , take note of that ..
perhaps you alway thou that commandor is OCH ..
so make this right , the building on the left side is all commandor
whereas , the right den is OCH ^^
got it ? =DDD
haha , && we did chat till something lame today ..
below is the scene .. i was telling me beloved sisters ...
ME : hey sisters ! when i die i wanna donate all my organs to ppl ! xDDD
ME , SAMANTHA , SA & GIAN : =_____='' PAIN ?!
ME : waolao , when you die still can feel pain derh mehs =.= you PRO larhs ~
YEEMING : YL , hannorhs , you can feel pain siahs . den if i can feel pain den good lehs , cos can be alive again lerhs ~
ALL : LLS * ( laugh lyk siao ) xDDDD
hahaha , yeeleng is so cute ryte ?
haha , chat till i think 3 plus ?
Sa went home , so , me , YL , GIAN , SAMANTHA
continued to tok ...
den suddenly tok bout our sec 1 lives ...
haish , time past realy very fast ..
so fast we all sec 4 lerhs ..
actually kinda miss sec 1 those carefree & stress-less life X(
anyway , life still goes on ^^
i shall not cling on my past lerhs ~
gonna move on wid my live ^^V
Ciaos ;
♥ Arena の GET HIGH ~

I speak L♥VE @ 9:40 PM