notice the change that has taken place around you.
I'm really amaze by the rate of ppl change, its even more faster than lightning.
I'm really amaze by the power of money that can make ppl change so damn freaking fast.
I'm really amaze by the selfish-ness of one, how can someone be so selfish?
ppl, what are ppl? define ppl, or rather human being.
If you dunno how does a devil looks like,
then how you know that you're an angel & not a devil?
I guess, I too, need to take a look inside the mirror...
oh well. din went back to celebrate teacher's day, cos' too shag on friday.
anyw, I do miss some of the teachers there, yeaps, SOME only not all.
okays, ytd went to IT show to brought some stuff for my little darling xD
oh ya, went there with chow & gian & gary.
hmmms, come to think of how I went IT show with them was damn cool. when I was on my way to YCK station, so coincidentally I meet chow & gary there. Then asked them where they going, they told me they're going braddell to meet gian then going IT show also. So, I'm thinking like, since I'm also going IT show, so might as well as join them too right? xD haha. So I also join them to wait for gian at braddell 1st door. After that, went to MS to have our lunch first, then headed to IT show to buy screen protector for darling xD Anyw, now then i realise that many ppl work in SONY lor. Saw Junbin, Jarred & Xavier there, then when we're on the escalator going up, B2 shouted my name damn loud just to say hi -.- Then realise that he also working at SONY. WTF. All working at SONY~ =/ Then after buying the stuff that I needed, we left the damn bloody "pack like tuna" place. & I'm damn piss by those inconsiderate ppl inside! They just push like nobody's business, some even worst, farted inside?! Imagine inside already so cramp, then some idiots go & let out some pungent gas~ So damn inconsiderate, what if ppl faint or what? Think their fart like fragance isit? LOL.
okay, enough of ranting~ xD hahah. Damn high, I saw my LG at IT show! hahah. Chow was even more high then me -.- Cos she heard that her Y** was somewhere near her~ xD But too bad, they din saw each other, cos they lack of fate! LOL. Oh ya, after leaving that cramp place, my world-coolest-mum called me... & guess what she told me? She asked me to go back to buy a cooling fan for my laptop~ -.- I was like WTF, I need to go in there & squeeze again? I don't want lah. & Gary brought 1 cooling fan also, but he going out at night & don't want to bring that along and so he sold his to me. LOL, so I don't need to go back & squeeze again. hahaha~!
So damn sickening, My current camera spoilt~ & I so badly want a Sony T300 or a W170~ & best thing is that I'm jobless now, where to get money to buy siol~ =[ Sighs, I want a job please. Then after that went to shop around suntec, Chow go meet her friend, sharon. Then walk around went back to MS. Then gary was tempting me to go PLAY that night. But in the end I didn't went PLAY though. hahah. Gary went off to meet his friend around 9plus & we walk around & after a while suagrs went home too. I don't feel like going home so early, so went down to fareast to meet dor. Then she was sitting there toking to 3.8 lor. After a while, 3.8 left, then we 2 was like thinking where can we go & slack~ Went to cine first, actually wanted to watch 4bia, but in the end never watch cos I'm watching with esther the following day. Then slack around cine for a while. Saw someone there. LOL.
Then after that, me & dor decide to go Changi village to see ah gua~ LOL. Then off we went to changi.. & that mad woman ask me wanna go OCH to explore not. I was like, NOW AH?! looking my watch, its shows 1.55 am~ omg, are you kidding me? But then I told her can go pass there, stop outside BUT NOT GOING IN~ cos only 2 of us, I'm not so brave lei. After touring around OCH, we went to changi village to have a quick bite & drink. Then she suddenly ask me where is RED HOUSE, I never go before so I also don't really know where the exact place is.. So decide to ask b1 since he stay at pasir ris. So text him in the middle of the night X= Before going, we went back to OCH again, this time we saw a group of ppl going in too. I counted, 7 ppl, & I was like odd number siol~ power la. Somemore they went in without any torch light man! POWER!
Then we went to explore red house, before going red house, Dor bring me to the loyang temple. That is the first time I went there. X= LOL. After she introduce all the different kinds of "gods" to me, we left for RED HOUSE~ hohoho. Throughout the trip, its damn eerie~ Can feel all my goosebumps coming out. Reach there, we dunno which one is RED HOUSE, so we recognise the 2 lion infront of the gate. The 2 lion was damn scary, their eyes maciam staring at you very fiercely. Anyw, we dint went in of couse, cos we are only 2 girls lei. After looking around from the outside, I think RED HOUSE is still okay lah, as compare to OCH, OCH is more eeriee~ Then we go pungol to find the "WHITE HOUSE", we turn round & round, But just don't seems to find the white house. In the end, we gave up, I told dor maybe today we not fated to go white house see lah, thats why keep cannot find. Then went home after that lor, cos I'm tired le. Reach home around 4am plus. Bath & went bed.
Today (monday - 010908), woke up around noon. Laze around on my bed for about 1/2 hour, reluctance to wake up la~ Then after washing up, went to on my laptop, esther called & ask whether am I still meeting her. Then I told her I'm meeting her for the movie. In the end, I was late for 10 mins for the movie~ SO SORRY!! We went to watch 4bia. Well, missed the 1st story so don't really understand what the 1st story is talking about. Then the 3rd story is damn lame & funny! I think the movie is damn scary, the sound effect is damn power, power enough to shock me throughout the whole movie -.- I dunno lah, maybe is because I too long nvr watch horror movie so I think 4bia is damn power for me. I like all their 4 short story. Every story has its moral, & I think its pretty cool~ xD hahha. After the movie was to walk around NTUC, buy some finger food to eat & went home to catch the 9 o'clock show cos today final episode. Then actually wanna go boat quay with my mother, in the end, she last min dua me~ -.- Then nvr go lur. oh well, I think shall end my ranting here. Guess my post is getting more & more long-winded lur. =/
Anyw, Bye
oh yea, the oreo chocolate cake is samantha made it for me de.
& you can't found it outside! its the one & only cake on earth xD
Your smile is more than what it really seems.
* blinded by foolish-ness.
cus' knowing that its impossible to be together again,
yet thinking that it might happen.
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