Happiness -- I'll crack a joke to brighten your day,
Even when I can't seem to brighten my own "
HAPPY SWEET 17, dearest Hero! :D
It has been a pretty good day today, I've sleeping throughout the day. Yes, very shiok ~ & I'm getting more & more in love with my world coolest mummy! She damn bloody cool. I can swear that no mother & daughter in this world did this. LOL. Imagine you chatted with your mum on phone for nearly over 1 hours, talking abt anything under the sun. & also any one of your mum jio you go pub drink? I doubt so eh ~ but my mum did! Omg, I think she 1 big shot! Then ytd night, mum & me went to pasa malam to shop around, then we went separate ways to shop. She look for her thing I shop fror my things, in the end, I losted her -.- Couldn't contact her cos her phone kinda crazy. Went round looking for her, in the end, she went home first. How cool can my mummy be? xD So act cute, go home w/o me first.. hahah. Anyw, I swear I love my mum ! She is the world coolest mum! hahaha.
I feel so useless, helpless & hopeless. I've been keeping you accompany this few days. Hoping that you would cheer up a little, at least a little. It sucks to see you still feeling so sad & low yet I can do nothing but just keep you accompany. Please stop torturing yourself ! Its not worth it. She won't know & she don't bother to know also. I know its not easy to let go, but just don't do things that made ppl worry. Try to take things easy. & I don't need a thanks from you, all I need is to see you smile and say "I'm fine now". Please, get some sleep and eat at least something.
Remember, I'll always be there for you, dearest
I've been wondering if the sweetest thing can be able to make you tears,
then what's so sweet about the thing?
Its because everything is too beautiful, too memorable to make us forget everything.
& its the memories that making all the tears running down -- a vivid recollection.
Happy ending are always in fairytale world, never in reality.
Labels: happiness

I speak L♥VE @ 2:32 AM