Honestly, I hate this major breakdown that will always happen to me once every few months. For fuck sake, I swear I fucking hate to cry. But my eyes couldn't hold it. I just did that thing that I hate the most. I've nvr ask for more, I nvr expect anything, I nvr hope for the best, I just hope that my life could be so much more peaceful. I work hard for what I want and I rly just wanna be a happy person, I want to have a normal life that everyone else is having too...... I want to be like other girls, like crying is rly okay. Why is all this things so hard for me? Every time I told myself, my life ain't that bad after all lah, I should learn to be happy... But then again, shit things will definitely happen. And it's like every single time! It's like I can't be happy. Do I rly don't deserve to be happy?
I'm rly tired of this huge responsibilities that is weighing on my shoulder. I'm always trying to make the ppl ard me happy, even if I force myself to do the things that I don't like, I just tell myself that, if the ppl ard me are happy, I'm happy too. But it seems like I always can't do it right, I try so hard to be better than myself, but ended up nth seems right? What can I do to ensure that everything I do can satisfy everyone? I rly wants to give up....... Can I rly give up? I'm like rly standing one a line between giving up and how much more I can take....
But I just can't give up. I just can't don't care. Because this is my responsibilities..... There's just so much more things that ppl doesn't know... If only crying rly solves everything....
Labels: positive.

I speak L♥VE @ 2:23 AM