Life is not about how many hello or goodbye, it's about how you live it and the people that give meaning to it.
Just like that, another month has pass. Every second, minute, hour, day, month that has pass is really amazing. To me, at least, it is amazing. Just look at how much every one has change, of course, I mean both physically and mentally. And each day passing to me is a blessing. I mean, I'm thankful that I'm still alive and breathing. Looking back at the past, all I can say is, whatever doesn't kills you really makes you stronger. A classic quote, but yeah, true to it's meaning. After so much drama that happen to my life, right now, I ask nothing but a smooth road down ahead for me. I really hope that whatever I'm planning is really going to work. This time, I'm really determine, for myself, for my mom. Hate to admit but thanks to everything that is pulling me down time and time again, I'm thankful for all the challenges and obstacles that I've surpassed. I've really grow mature and learn a lot. I've learn to be more positive and optimistic, I've learn to count the blessing instead of blaming why life is so unfair. Well, maybe once in a while, I tend to blame life and ask the "why" question a lot. Hah. But still, life is constantly about learning. And I'm learning it. Whatever is it, I am thankful and grateful for my past and I'm never ashamed of my past.
Unknowingly, I've been working at H&M almost half a year. I guess when you start to work, you really feel the responsibilities, expectations and reality. All these really makes a person grow, and makes you takes responsible over yourself. And I feel so much achievement whenever I could used my own money for holidays and get the things I want. It's like, you want it, you work for it. Simple? But sad to say, not every one know the way it works. But, I really love my work, it's so exciting everyday. I mean yes, it's tiring that most of the time, but still the people working there makes me happy. I love my divided people and my awesome managers. And a start of a brand new month, may, I've changed department, to hennes floor. I hope that everything will go well for me in a brand new place...............
April photos with all my wonderful people <3

Labels: April, hm, life, Personal

I speak L♥VE @ 1:00 AM