its has been quite a long time since i blog .
anyway , nothing much .
almst everyday will have HOMEWORKS & TEST ~ >.<
& time is running out .
i still have a mountains of homework not yet done .
oh mi god ~ damn narhs .
hu can help me wid my homeworks ?
oh yah ,
tomorrow is xiaonie marhmie`s bday ! (:
towning wid her tomorrow ~ xDD
wahahas .
today went to NP open house .
consent form written ;
2pm - 5pm .
den is lyk we reach there at 3 can ?
den 4 must assemble back lerhs .
& we only have 1 hours to look around ? =.=
ortyes , next week will be going to NYP .
nothing much to say .
maybe , nowadays will be less & less into blog .
due to lazy-ness & of cos , HOMEWORKS ?! >.<
orytes ,
officially say , bye bye lerhs .
this year won`t be blogging so often , (:

I speak L♥VE @ 8:02 PM