third day of sch .
& i`m still not used to waking up early ! X=
damn tired narhs .
today bag is damn bloody heavy .
cos got POA lesson .
aiyah ; dun feel lyk mentioning schh anymore .
cos it finally happened .
i knew it , its only sooner or later .
jus derh matter of time niahs .
orytes , todays blog is gonna be about ND norhs XD
hahas .
long time no see him lerhs ,
budden he is getting cuter & cuter ! X=
cos today went K den saw him .
kinda surprise dat he toks to us .
as normally , he seldoms toks to us derhs . XD
hahas . den asked him he how old ?
he is 22 , budden he looks lyk 19 or 20 niahs . =.=
he have got a young face narhs .
anyway , he treat us some tibits & fruits norhs .
dats so good of him .
at first thou he bluff derhs .
budden he realy treat . LOLS .
hmm , den he oso asked us why we so free , go k ?
den i say now must go lerhs .
if not cannot lerhs .
as starting from next weeks ,
dere will be extra lesson after sch lerhs . X(
so this week must come norhs .
den i ask him to give me his blessing . LOL .
so dat i can do well in my O levels . X=
den MR.ND was so "good" norhs .
he wished me good luck & last top in class . =.=
kuku narhs him . XD
anyway , notice derhs room next to us keep cor him norhs .
guess dat group of girls must be interested in him .
hahas . dumb dumb .
derhs air-con is damn cool derhs can .
& bcos of dat , i kept going to derh toilet .
den derh ppl keep looking at us .
lyk we were having some sort of bladder problems lyk dat .
no lorhs , is yr air-con too cold lerh can .
den today , got 1 guy went in to derh girls toilet ! LOLS .
cos i was standing outside & chatting on derh fone .
den dat guys didn`t saw derh sign .
some more both derhs toilet doors are open derhs .
den he jus went in & looked at derh mirror norhs .
he still dunno cos pei ni is inside derh peeing . X=
den derh toilet no ppl marhs .
den i jus keep looking at derh guy ,
i actually wanted to go in find pei ni derhs ,
budden very pai seh norhs . LOLS . X=
so i waited for him to get out den i go in . XD
hahs . i told pei ni bout this ,
she oso laughed .
den saw derh dennis , lawerence too . =.=
ND is super cute norhs .
he work morning marhs ,
den i think he must be tired lerhs .
cos when we cor him at bout 6 plus .
he looked blurr & its so cute ! X=
hahas .
so we guess he must be tired lerhs .
we sing all derh way till 9 pm .
ZzZ . tired ~
today is a happy day . XD
saw MR.ND , & surprisingly ,
he toked to us first before we tok to him . XD
i lyk his smile .
very sunshine . X=
LOLS . so cute . hahas .
orytes , derhs pic below is derh food he treat us today . XD
treat by MR.ND ~ XD jealous hurhs ? X=

I speak L♥VE @ 11:42 PM