today went sch for physics extra lesson .
well , lesson aren't boring as i expected X=
cos , mrs goh is so damn nice to us today .
she allow us to eat in class &&
she didnt scold us for being late for class ~
lesson were supposed to start at 9.30 am .
budden i was late so gian gian wait for me at MRT station .
so , we 2 late together X=
went to cheers to buy some bread to eat .
den on the way to sch , suddenly started to rain ~
damnit , got trap under the block .
waited for the rain to become smaller den go sch .
reach class , not many ppl were there ..
so , we settle down ASAP .
we were at maths room ; the air-con is damn cold ~
after break , went to lab for practical ~ xDDD
well , ends at 4 ..
&& we went home after that =DDD
replies to tags
well , lesson aren't boring as i expected X=
cos , mrs goh is so damn nice to us today .
she allow us to eat in class &&
she didnt scold us for being late for class ~
lesson were supposed to start at 9.30 am .
budden i was late so gian gian wait for me at MRT station .
so , we 2 late together X=
went to cheers to buy some bread to eat .
den on the way to sch , suddenly started to rain ~
damnit , got trap under the block .
waited for the rain to become smaller den go sch .
reach class , not many ppl were there ..
so , we settle down ASAP .
we were at maths room ; the air-con is damn cold ~
after break , went to lab for practical ~ xDDD
well , ends at 4 ..
&& we went home after that =DDD
replies to tags
♥SAMANTHA TAN RUIQI: haha , i still wanna buy more jackets cannot arhs ? miss you too ! i oso miss XiaoNie mummy ! <33 '
Ahgal- ™: Girl , relinked ~
shihyin: Wher got ~ =DD you oso larhs ! <33
miaoyin: Thanks for tagging =DDD
\ yeeleng: Yes Yes , Sean is yrs larhs , den whos ? X= heehees ~
YEEMIN =D: Yeahs , damn happy lerhs ! Thanks to my Baobei oso ! =DDD
\ yeeleng: NoNo ! Sean is NOT SAMANTHA derhs ! URS ! =DD
♥SAMANTHA TAN RUIQI: Hannorhs , she toking Crap ~ Blahs X=
♥ -- Xiao Yinq: Pretty , Relinked ! =DDD
YEEMIN =D: Hannarhs , den blogger damn lag norhs ! Rarr ~ X=
ciaos ;
everything i do reminds me of you .
i wish i could say I Love you .
but i dun wan to hurt ~
but wad can i do ?
cling on yr shadows ?
forget about you ?
tel me wad can i do ? X'(

I speak L♥VE @ 7:57 PM