sorry for that BELATED larhs ~
LOLS , cos ydae internet got some prob ,
didnt update (:
today , gian , YL , Sa didnt go for remedial .
instead they went to OCH again =____=
LOLS * i wanna go ..
but not today larhs .
cos today got remedial larhs && i dun wanna PON sch
jus to go OCH ~ =.="
anyway , today lesson was funny ?
ok , guess we heard before astronaut & cosmonauts rights ?
but did you heard before taikonauts ?
yeaps , mrs goh say its a perfect english word .
its a translation of TAI KONG REN to english =.=
its a word from CHINA larhs ~ LOLS * cute rights ?
ydae took some pics of my class when they were eating ..
haha . its look so cute larhs .
budden i dun have time to post the pics larhs X=
anyway , i realise that my class loves to eat duckrice ~ haha .
cos almost everyone eat that ydae ~ =.=
haha , today lesson ends at 3 plus .
about the same time as ydaes .
boring larhs, tml's gonna have F&N remedial .
but we are going to watch pirates tml ! xDDDD
* hope so larhs ~ *
&& 13 more days !
im sooo missing XiaoNie mummy ! <33
ciaos ;
that empty promise ; shattered dreams .
stop that fucking promise !
pearlYEO : BABY ! you finally tagged me ~ xDDD i miss you toos ! <33
♥єšŧнёя : DEARDEAR , love you too ! wednesday ~~ xDDD
XIAOSA:) : haha , nuer hen guai larhs X= LOVE YOU TOO =D Gerald =( : LOLS , wad ahsei ? LOLS . is AISEH larhs , kuku head ~ X= i oso got listen english song derh larhs . cannot arhs ? Want this song ? beg me norhs . perhaps i will send you ~ haha X= joking * i dun have this song .\ yeeleng: DARDAR , I love you too ! <33>

I speak L♥VE @ 4:26 PM