its 2:11 am can't LALA so i'm here to update my blog
my mood hasn't been turning any better lately ..
I dun wish to say much ...
alrights , ydae post was saying that GianGian was bian tai right ?
i forgot to add one more part in ,
READ samantha's blog for more detail =DD
back to today ...
today starting of my day was hell ~
cause when i was on the way to meet my sisters ,
suddenly , started to rain ~
& i was lyk WTH .
i was half way walking to the MRt station & it rain ~
den i was stuck under a block ..
i cannot go back take umbrella nor go to bus stop ..
cos it was like raining heavily ~
so , i waited for the rain to become smaller & walk to the bus stop instead .
so , again , i was late larhs ~ X=
damnit norhs ... the stupid rain ~ =.="
&& i meet my beloved sisters !
went to bugis first , den MS ! <33
den while walking to MS ,
MANMAN saw the new gatsby ad .
den me & deardear say the song is very cute & nice ..
so , we started to like sort of sing the song out ?
after that , MANMAN is like damn high larhs ...
den she keep singing the gatsby song while walking to MS ~ =.="
WTH ~ somemore she still go create chinese version for derh song ...
after awhile , i really got irritates by her singing X=
cause when we reach KFC she is like still singing ... =.="
den when i diao her , she was like singing the song :
I .... ( wanted to continued to , can give you gatsby
but i stare at her , so she change to ... )
Love you ~ LOLS *
i couldn't stop laughing larhs .
den we have our dinner at KFC ~
saw Hamkah , Kat , Haslinda , Kenneth ...
man , i damn miss all my KFC buddies can ?
after eating , went to FRESH PROFUSION to find aunty & tok to aunty for a while .
after that , walk walk around ..
saw JOVEL ~ ! =DDD
awwwws , i damn damn damn miss her like hell ~ X=
awwwws , i damn damn damn miss her like hell ~ X=
didn't managed to snap any pics with her today ~
erms , well , guess SATURNDAY will be towning with her ? =DD
haha . * hope so *
den walk back to FRESH PROFUSION again ,
as i thought shawnna reach lerhs .
but she haven't , so tok to aunty again ..
waited for her to reach ..
just before we wanna to leave , den we saw shawnna ..
we chatted for awhile ..
den she follow us go open pool table & play with us for awhile ~ =DD
haha , it was fun larhs .
&& shawnna asked MANMAN to go work tml ...
haha , hope MANMAN everything went well tml xDDD
well , im going back to work on sunday larhs ..
cause im so lack-ing in cash nowadays ~ X=
den after pool , went home around erms , 9 plus 10 ?
can't remember ..
well , today really was a wonderful day .
cause , i long long time never see DEARDEAR lerhs .
&& i soo F***ing miss her ! =DDD
PLUS , it has been so long i never so late reach home lerhs X=
so , erms , im very very happy ~ hiaks *
their presence are my happiness =DDD
oh && i've snap some pics with DEARDEAR today .
enjoys *
oh , I'm so looking forward to my 6th trip to OCH this coming friday ! xDD
haha ! =.="
6 days && PEINI mother is back !
Yiying : haha , okayys , Thanks (: I love you too , babe ~ =DD
♥SASA:) : okayys larhs , not very biantai as compare to GianGian , but you also agree to turn the ball when GianGian ask you to larhs . so also abit biantai larhs X=
♥SASA:) : okayys larhs , not very biantai as compare to GianGian , but you also agree to turn the ball when GianGian ask you to larhs . so also abit biantai larhs X=
SERENE* : RAWRR ~ * damnit , but how the 15yr sneak in ? >.<
yeeleng : haha , nothing . Yeaps , i like guohao X= haha , i think he's kinda cute ~
sighs , I'm getting real sick over some guys out there ~
cause ' the truth is always sooo shocking !
well , i can only say , Im sooo sick over this type of guys ~
ciaos ;
i thought everything is gonna be okay ,
but guess Im sooo wrong .
i kept asking myself :
" why should I bother so much ? "

I speak L♥VE @ 2:10 AM