today chatted wid my SPA ; sisters xDDD
they are my LOVES .
ohh , today's another tiring day ~
as ydae slp less than 4 hr , cos 1 plus wake up by esther's call ~
budden its okayys narhs =DD
den ydae woke up , mother didnt scold ~ * kinda suprise *
hmms , then she asked me , after my O wanna move back to malaysia stay ~
den i was lyk , HURHS ! ?
sighs , i dunn wan move back there larhs ...
okays , back to today ..
was a tiring day bcos i ydae got not enought slp .
&& i slp at 12 plus ydae =.="
den today woke up at i think 11 plus ~
received SASA's msg ,
asking me to go out ...
okayys , im lazy to go out , so i tell her i dun wan go out .
so in the end , i spent my wonderful saturday ,
rotting at home =.="
arghhs , okays , damn regret now larhs .
should have gone out ..
den chatted wid them on MSN today =DDD
well , afterall , my day wasn't that bad narhs xDD
as i have my beloved sisters accompany me ..
okays , tml gonna meet up wid my SPA - sisters =DD
awwws , i damn miss them narhs !
esp . NIENIE mother ! x'DD
anyway 10 more days && she is back !
* Im so excited ! *
I so damn miss her ! X'(
oh yah , today chatted alot of things =DD
den we chat till something ...
&& somehow , i realise that we all have almost the same thinking =DD
lyk , we dun lyk ppl who typed lyk this :
hIiEx EvErYoNe , mY nAmE IisHh bLaHxBlAhxBlaHx ~
&& ppl lyk to add an 'X' or 'Z' behind every word .
eg , hahax , lolz , hiiex , takecare worx ETC ...
i've already wasted about 3 minutes of my life span typing this ~
seriously , i think that typed lyk this is
wasting our precious life span can ?
&& its so damn difficult & hard to read this alrights ~ =.="
&& ppl hu type lyk this usually thinks that they are very kAwAiIx ~
haha , its no offence larhs (:
well , looking forward to tml && 10 days later ! =DD
ciaos ;

I speak L♥VE @ 11:01 PM